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Can I transfer to Monmouth University with a 3.3 community college?

You certainly can transfer to Monmouth University, particularly if Monmouth has an articulation agreement with the community college you attended. Usually, community colleges have agreements with local public universities which give automatic admission to the junior year, if you have successfully completed their transfer program. Since Monmouth is a private university, it might be a good idea to check with the registrar at your community college to see whether it has such an agreement with them. However, your hope is not dashed if no such agreement exists. You have returned to community college and successfully completed a two year program. This should convince admissions officials at most colleges that you have mended your ways from the disastrous start you had. Many freshmen get off to a bad start, needing to start over to get their feet under them by reconfiguring. You have clearly done so. Meanwhile, simply abandon any thoughts you might have to hide your previous transcript or pretend you didnt have the bad first year. You WILL be caught and you will permanently damage your chances of admissions, probably to all other reputable colleges. Simply DONT DO IT! You must provide all transcripts from previous college work, but dont worry about it. Instead, use your applications narrative section, your personal statement, to explain what happened, how hard youve worked, how youve matured, and what you have learned from your earlier errors. Be forthright, but dont make it too big a deal. Good luck in your future college career. Youve worked hard to get to this point. Dont ruin it by making an ethical error youll live with for the rest of your life.

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