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How do I send transcripts to US universities?

Generally speaking Universities will want the transcripts delivered in an envelope that was sealed by the educational institution that the transcripts came from. If you are sending out a lot of applications then this can get both inconvenient and expensive. Be sure what the University wants before sending your transcripts because you might find that any (or all) of these are acceptable: unsealed transcripts bearing a stamp from the issuing school certifying them; unsealed transcripts bearing a stamp from the issuing school certifying them with YOUR notation Sealed transcripts from __[fill in the blank]__ available upon request; sealed transcripts relayed by you to them from the issuing authority; and transcripts coming directly from the issuing authority. Again, it is up to the University how it wants transcripts submitted (and most of them are polite enough to actually spell that out in the Applying For Admission of their calendar. As far as the PHYSICAL means that you use to get the transcripts to the Universities that you are applying at, ANY means is usually acceptable. Heck, you could probably hand carry them and drop them off in person if you wanted to.

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