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If I receive a letter regarding a malpractice I was accused of in VIT?

I think I am sufficiently qualified to answer this question because I was served with this letter. It all depends on the verdict the panel gives. After giving you the notice a panel of faculty from different schools sit and interview each person who were caught durinf those examinations. After that if they leave you, you'll probably have to pay about 2k or 3k and they just let you go. Else if they find you guilty of whatever kind of malpractice you're being accused of, then it will reflect in your semester grade sheets. In my case, I was carrying my phone with me during an exam and it was an honest mistake because I had subtler ways than using a phone. I'm too careful that way. I was lucky that in the panel a faculty knew me from before and she convinced the others that this might have been a mistake. So they did let me go but I had to pay 3k in fine.

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