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46 votes

Is there any actual benefit to having research experience on a?

As opposed to what? Instead of no research experience? Instead of research experience on your resume (as a job, instead of as a class)? Experience is always a benefit, except, apparently, if you are running for POTUS. Potential employers would rather see professional research. Potential grad schools would probably not care as much and wouldnt mind it being a research class. I cant imagine where/when research on your transcript would hurt, so by definition, it is a benefit. I really dont understand the question. It is like asking, Is having more money a benefit over having less? You could invent a situation, like When I have money, people ask me for it, and I cant tell who my real friends are. But in any reasonably expected case, research experience is a benefit. Now, you may not take advantage of it, but that is up to you. So, no, if you never tell anyone and parlay it into something else, then having it on your transcript is moot.

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