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What are the best universities in the world that don't require high?

If you lack the needed grades and transcripts to get into the universities where you really want to study, I would recommend that you try to get into any community college program, and then try to transfer after a year or two into something better. Transferring from one college to anther is often much easier than getting into a good school straight out of high school, and if yoube proven that you can perform well at the first college, it will give admissions much more faith that you are able to perform well in their program too. My first two years of college were filled with transfers. I didn't have the ability to get into a traditional state school at first, but went to their local satilite campus in my first semester. Acceptance was easy and the. I transferred to the state schools main campus the next semester. Then I transferred again to a better private university in my second year to graduate. I lost some credits in the process, but that comes with the territory. Remember, the most important thing is to prove what you can do right now. Lots of places will give you a shot, and if you take it seriously, other schools will take you more seriously as well. As for where to start- thats probably going to require you to look at whats around you and for you to start making some contacts. Schools want people who are self-starters and invested in their learning. Start now by contacting local schools and get in somewhere- anywhere- and then move on from there.

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