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What is the process of getting transcripts from Mangalore University?

Dear All I would like to share my recent experience in getting the WES process done from Mangalore University. This information might be very useful to you. In official WES website it is mentioned that Mangalore University have online service for document verification which is directly connected with WES through DOCSWALLET. I was very happy that at least online process will be hassle free and I applied to it. Please Note Online service from Mangalore University is managed by third party that is DOCSWALLET/DOCSVERIFY who will rip you from top to bottom. Since my wife did BCA, She has 6 Semester marks card plus degree certificate i.e. total 7 documents. When I uploaded all these 7 documents they l ask you to pay 1,100 INR per document in TOTAL INR 7,700. Even though price is bit high I was okay with that and paid the amount. Surprising note is here! Once your documents are verified from the Mangalore University it will come and sit in the locker of DOCSWALLET. I randomly checked with DOCSWALLET by sending them query email, when the documents will be dispatched to WES? They told me to pay further more amount in order to send the documents to WES which is USD 210 (INR 15,918)!!!!!! Just imagine guys will anyone spend total of INR 23,618 just to send your bachelor degree documents to WES??? After this mess - I immediately gone through entire website of DOCSWALLLET to see is there anywhere mentioned cost details ? To be honest these guys dont even have helpline number to reach out and no cost details mentioned in the website. I triggered this to higher officials of Mangalore University and they too got surprised after hearing that these guys are charging so high amount. In order to help me out Mangalore University reached out to DOCSWALLET and these guys refunded all my amount. I went through Manual process of Mangalore University. For info please contact me or leave comment so that i can explain in detail Below is the cost difference between online and manual process. Online Process Cost 7 Docs * Rs.1100 = Rs.7,700 To Send Docs to WES USD 210 = Rs.15,918 Total = Rs. 23,618 Manual Process Cost 7 Docs * Rs.770 = Rs.5,390 To Send Docs to WES = Rs.1,500 Total = Rs. 6,890

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