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Does going to a high school in a different state at the beginning of?

Your transcript should not change your grades or number of credits youve earned during your Freshman and Sophomore years. However, your class standing will be based relative to your new school. If you were No. X in your previous school, you likely will not have the same numerical ranking. In Texas, you used to be able to get admitted to the state flagship school, the University of Texas Austin as a valedictorian regardless of your standardize score. I think many flagship universities do that. In many schools, including some flagship schools, the only recommendation letter thats required is from a school counselor. The counselor typically doesnt know you and most of what he/she prepares is statistical (grades, state standardized scores, ranking, etc.) and what your teachers say about you. More on this If youre talking super elite schools, you likely need multiple recommendation letters and you should ask yourself, would mine be as strong after just the junior year plus the beginning of senior year as compared to freshman through beginning of the senior year? The answer may depend on the size of school but you may have a single teacher for AP Math (e.g., Calculus AB & BC) or AP History (e.g., World History & US History) even for a large school and personal connection and rapport are key for outstanding recommendation letters. How about your class standing? What if you were expecting to be the class valedictorian? Being number 1 or possibly 2, versus top 10% will make a significant difference between making the cut or not at super elite schools. So it could make a difference depending on your situation/standing.

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