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How will the admission officers from top universities feel about my?

COLLEGES WILL NOT CARE IF YOU HAVE A FEW Bs. I wish people would stop stressing out so much about a few grades. Top universities do care about grades, and they do like to see an upward trend. So yes, if you started off with Bs, and went to straight As, theyd be impressed. But you know whats more impressing to them? What you did outside of school. Did you volunteer? Play multiple sports? Have leadership positions in multiple clubs? Thats whats most important to colleges. Your grades just make them look at your application. Thousands of kids have the same exact grades as you. The kids who get into top schools are the ones who made a huge difference. The ones who did something big. So do grades matter? Yeah. But its not the end of the world to have a couple Bs. Keep your GPA up and get good standardized test scores.

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