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My son's University never processed his financial aid for one?

In the US? First, I suggest contacting the Financial Aid office to understand precisely what not processed means. Was your son supposed to sign a form or submit FAFSA approval? Or exactly what. Then once you find out the problem, ask Financial Aid about options. Can you tap into any loans at this stage? One common approach is to consolidate all loans into one for the last term in university. Perhaps just add the last terms outstanding invoice into this consolidated loan. As an aside, I expect that Financial Aid gets these stories all the time. Your son is not the first to claim he was not notified or whatever. College students ignore email all the time. So your call to FA will by no means the first they got about this sort of thing. Also, your son might need to call and talk to FA himself. Agree on a plan and approach first. Plan B is to pay the balance out of your savings or perhaps a line of credit. Dont expect a college or university in the US to provide transcripts when students have outstanding balances.

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