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WES Canada is not accepting my college transcripts attested by the?

There is a certain way to get your transcripts attested. The detailed description is as follows - For the inner contents, make sure your transcript must have the original sign of the issuing admin authority such as registrar or the academic senior but not any other random administrative person. It must have the institution seal or logo or hologram along with your name and your program mentioned clearly. Now, make sure that this transcript must be placed in a sealed envelope. This envelope should not be any random envelope but an envelope that has your institution name and logo printed. (Issue such envelopes from your university or ask them. Generally, they will not give you until you ask them.) Do not send your transcripts in plane, white or blank envelopes. They will get rejected. (Mine did for the first time.) Once you get the university envelope, put this transcript inside and seal the envelope with a glue. (Not with tape, will tell you why later). After getting this envelope ready, get this envelope tested by your academic senior or controller of examinations such as chancellor or academic dean or registrar. (Whoever is the controlling person of academics.) Do not get it signed by a random academic or administrative staff. Ask that person to sign thrice or more (depending on how big your envelope is) across the back flap of the envelope in two places like one across the seal and the second at the joining point of the envelope both vertically and horizontally like making a T sign so that if anyone opens it, the sign gets disrupted. (Pen wouldn't work on tape, hence do not use tape.) Along with the sign, get an institution seal and the stamp of the person who is signing it. If you do not get the seal of the institution, they will believe you are placing it in the envelope and if you do not get the registrar or the controlling person's name stamp, they will believe it is being signed by a random person. Once all of this done, get your WES Reference number printed along with the address to which it has to get posted (of WES) on a white sheet of paper cutting and paste this on the front side of the envelope. Once, you get this done, you are ready to send this to WES. My three time experience says this. At the first chance, I got rejected because I had just placed my transcript and sent it to WES in a plane white envelope while sealing it myself with glue but in the second and third chance, it got accepted. Since you cannot go there and explain, even if you want to and what you have done is correct, you have to get this all done. I hope you find this helpful.

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