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How hard is it to get into Hague University and Groningen University?

This really is a vague question without any specifics about what kind of education you have had, what direction or study you want to follow and not even if you want to do a bachelor or a master program. For the specifics of you study I would suggest to go to the application page of the study. Im certain you can find all the requirements for your application over there. Again, how hard it is to get into a certain course differs enormously. In some programs, like medicine bachelors, the competition to get it is fierce and unless your grades are really good, you wont stand a chance. On both universities, some programs are applicable for everyone, meaning: you get accepted no matter your grades. For example the law bachelor at the Groningen University. You have to apply and they will review everything and they will send you their advice. If it is negative, you still can apply and pay the fees which means you start the next year. Only problem is that they have a bounding advice at the end of the first year where lots of (underperforming) students get kicked out. Other programs have the numerus fixus rule: only the top students are allowed to the program. And again, lots of national and international students apply, so these are the difficult ones to pass. As for your second question, What will make my transcript more interesting Try to do stuff besides school. Do honoure classes, be in (school)clubs like the debateclub or the studentcounsil, try volunteer work or coach a soccer team, write a column or post articles online. Anything is good, as long as it stands out and makes you different from all the other applicants. These are the things the universities notice and makes you look more interesting. Again, competition is hard here, because a lot of kids these days work their bones of for a good CV. Im sorry if you feel like my advice isnt specific enough. I would like to remind you to take a look at the program of your choosing and at what they want to see. Good luck!

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