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If there's an Incomplete on your transfer transcript, will the?

Colleges and universities in the U.S. have a wide variety of considerations they use in determining a students admissability. Even if you are a very good student and interesting person, these varied factors are hard to point to a will rather than a may in any admission decision. In my experience, more selective institutions will want to have a complete picture of your overall secondary and post-secondary record. Even a single incomplete while not eliminating you as an admissable candidate may hold your record and decision hostage until you complete the work. You might receive a positive decision but with the explicit or implicit expectation that you will submit ALL final official transcripts in order to take your place as a new student. If you are trying to decide whether you can hide a blemish in your record, I would counsel being up front with a heres what happened explanation with an admissions office rather than having to explain a poor grade after it is discovered. Most folks view honesty as an important characteristic for its students of choice, and universities are certainly not averse to withdrawing offers of admission if they feel they are being mislead.

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